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Be complete with Emisil&

Magischer Mike | 2. Generation FTM 3-in-1-Packer


Regulärer Preis€425,00
Steuern inklusive.

  • Das Künstlerteam ist bereit, sofort mit dem Produktionsprozess zu beginnen. Produktionszeit: bis zu 5 Werktage
  • Inventar auf dem Weg
  • Weltweiter Versand. Zölle und Steuern sind im Endpreis enthalten.

3 in 1 STP – Pinkeln / Spielen / Packen

Mit Magic Mike gibt es keine Grenzen. Dieses STP sorgt dafür, dass Sie sich sehr natürlich fühlen und aussehen. Wie auch immer, Sie sind am Strand, im öffentlichen Raum oder im Bett.

In einem solchen Winkel gestaltet, dass der Urin ungehindert fließen kann. Sie müssen sich keine Sorgen machen, dass der innere Kanal eingeklemmt wird. Einfach herausnehmen und fertig!

Dringend empfohlen tragen prothetische zusammen mit Unterwäsche für Transgender. Sehr bequeme und modische Wahl. Mehr erfahren .

Wenn du es nach dem Höschen versteckst. Silikon-Penis liegen sehr eng am Körper an und sehen sehr natürlich aus.

Das 3-in-1-STP-Gerät fühlt sich genauso natürlich an wie jeder Emisil-Packer und ist außerdem auslaufsicher, was eine lange Produktlebensdauer, persönlichen Komfort und ein sorgenfreies Sicherheitsgefühl gewährleistet.

  • Für maximales Vergnügen wird diese 3-in-1-Prothese mit einem Erektionsstab geliefert. (Im Produktpreis enthalten).
  • 3D-Hodensack mit beweglichen schwebenden Hoden.
  • Optisch nicht von einem echten Penis zu unterscheiden, da Venen, Falten und andere Hautstrukturen detailliert dargestellt sind.
  • Befestigen Sie Ihre Penisprothese mit medizinischem Kleber mit perfektem Halt.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Stand-to-Pipi-Gerät nicht mit (Vergnügungsrippen) geliefert wird. Wenn Sie das gleiche Modell, aber mit Vergnügungsrippen wünschen, besuchen Sie bitte die Produktseite hier.

Um Ihr Produkt zu desinfizieren, sollten Sie es 30 Sekunden bis eine Minute lang in kochendes Wasser tauchen. Wie bei Seife und warmem Wasser sollten Sie Ihren STP-Packer, nachdem Sie ihn aus dem kochenden Wasser genommen haben, vollständig trocknen lassen, bevor Sie ihn erneut verwenden oder einlagern. 


Länge: Umfang: Gewicht:
5,5 Zoll (14 cm) 5 Zoll (13 cm) 9 Unzen (250 g)

 Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Stand-to-Pee-Gerät nicht mit Lustrillen geliefert wird. Wenn Sie das gleiche Modell, aber mit Lustrillen möchten, besuchen Sie bitte hier die Produktseite.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Luis Dorta (San Cristóbal de La Laguna, ES)
Muy bien

Producto fantástico, muy realista. Me parece un artículo de gran calidad. Fantastic item, very realistic and a high quality .

Roki (Warsaw, PL)

Magic Mike | 2nd Gen. FTM 3 in 1 packer

Macen Adams
This is it…

This is the one you’ve been looking for! First experience with a STP 3-1 and am not disappointed at all!!

Kai (St Louis, US)

I like the way it looks but for a bigger guy like me I don’t think it’ll ever be perfectly functional just to use the restroom.

mino collini (Bratislava, SK)
mostly the perfect fit for me

at first i‘d like to share that i‘m really relieved that this packer isn’t to big or hard to use on a daily basis because i was very considerate before ordering as i pay 400€ for this item and cant get a refund! i took me around 1 year before having the guts to actually buy a product from this website 😅

i thing the size fits pretty well for me and my body and the packer itself looks extremely real! i also showed it to some of my cis friends and they told me the same! so i‘m really glad that it turned out to be so realistic!

i think its pretty convenient that you can use the packer for packing and if you want to have intercourse with it you can just simply put in the rod! keeping in mind that you can also pee with it makes it even better! (it definitely takes some time to get used to it tho!)

now to the downsides:
personally i think the packer is a bit hard which makes me a little uncomfortable when i‘m in public spaces. if someone accidentally touches it they would think i have a boner and sometimes that thought makes me pretty uncomfortable. i get that its a 3in1 product and that for intercourse it needs to be a little harder but still…

another thing is that on one side i‘m amazed (!!!) by the look like its seems so real it makes me really happy for real! but on the other hand the silicone is a bit idk dry?? the material is definitely something i have to get used to. (definitely recommend wearing boxer shorts which are a little bit longer so the packer doesn’t rub on your legs that much it freaks me out!😭)

for all the other people which are thinking about buying this product:
personally i think wearing the packer also works without the special packing underwear. just keep in mind that your boxers are a little tighter and you could wear two above each other. at least it works for me! (with packing underwear it definitely works better because it stays better in place but i get that not everybody has the opportunity to buy some of them as the packer alone already costs around 500€+.

and also keep in mind that the packers really are visible to other people when you wear it in your pants! i don’t get why on this websites most of the packers are 13cm+ but everything above 13cm would make me so uncomfortable now i have my packer just keep in mind that the size shouldn’t be to big! with my 13cm product it DEFINITELY is visiable !!!! (i‘m 173cm btw)

in conclusion: even though the packer was pretty expensive and i had much anxiety when buying it i‘m 90% happy with it and extremely thankful! maybe one day day there will be a bigger market for ftm packers and they get less expensive? for me it was definitely worth the 500€ because i‘m still very happy with the product and i can simply get to know myself a little more with it. it doesnt hurt that i spent 500€ on it!

i hope all of the people reading this find their „dream packer“!

thanks a lot to emisil as even though i live in austria the shipping was so chill and it only took one week every thing went perfect i‘m so relieved!

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Luis Dorta (San Cristóbal de La Laguna, ES)
Muy bien

Producto fantástico, muy realista. Me parece un artículo de gran calidad. Fantastic item, very realistic and a high quality .

Roki (Warsaw, PL)

Magic Mike | 2nd Gen. FTM 3 in 1 packer

Macen Adams
This is it…

This is the one you’ve been looking for! First experience with a STP 3-1 and am not disappointed at all!!

Kai (St Louis, US)

I like the way it looks but for a bigger guy like me I don’t think it’ll ever be perfectly functional just to use the restroom.

mino collini (Bratislava, SK)
mostly the perfect fit for me

at first i‘d like to share that i‘m really relieved that this packer isn’t to big or hard to use on a daily basis because i was very considerate before ordering as i pay 400€ for this item and cant get a refund! i took me around 1 year before having the guts to actually buy a product from this website 😅

i thing the size fits pretty well for me and my body and the packer itself looks extremely real! i also showed it to some of my cis friends and they told me the same! so i‘m really glad that it turned out to be so realistic!

i think its pretty convenient that you can use the packer for packing and if you want to have intercourse with it you can just simply put in the rod! keeping in mind that you can also pee with it makes it even better! (it definitely takes some time to get used to it tho!)

now to the downsides:
personally i think the packer is a bit hard which makes me a little uncomfortable when i‘m in public spaces. if someone accidentally touches it they would think i have a boner and sometimes that thought makes me pretty uncomfortable. i get that its a 3in1 product and that for intercourse it needs to be a little harder but still…

another thing is that on one side i‘m amazed (!!!) by the look like its seems so real it makes me really happy for real! but on the other hand the silicone is a bit idk dry?? the material is definitely something i have to get used to. (definitely recommend wearing boxer shorts which are a little bit longer so the packer doesn’t rub on your legs that much it freaks me out!😭)

for all the other people which are thinking about buying this product:
personally i think wearing the packer also works without the special packing underwear. just keep in mind that your boxers are a little tighter and you could wear two above each other. at least it works for me! (with packing underwear it definitely works better because it stays better in place but i get that not everybody has the opportunity to buy some of them as the packer alone already costs around 500€+.

and also keep in mind that the packers really are visible to other people when you wear it in your pants! i don’t get why on this websites most of the packers are 13cm+ but everything above 13cm would make me so uncomfortable now i have my packer just keep in mind that the size shouldn’t be to big! with my 13cm product it DEFINITELY is visiable !!!! (i‘m 173cm btw)

in conclusion: even though the packer was pretty expensive and i had much anxiety when buying it i‘m 90% happy with it and extremely thankful! maybe one day day there will be a bigger market for ftm packers and they get less expensive? for me it was definitely worth the 500€ because i‘m still very happy with the product and i can simply get to know myself a little more with it. it doesnt hurt that i spent 500€ on it!

i hope all of the people reading this find their „dream packer“!

thanks a lot to emisil as even though i live in austria the shipping was so chill and it only took one week every thing went perfect i‘m so relieved!

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