Gerald | FL02

Geralt | Bahasa Indonesia: FL02

Regular price€465,00

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skrotum 3D
Dengan dua testis yang dapat bergerak
Dirancang untuk pengepakan
Ukuran yang nyaman
Kulit hiper-realistis
teknik 3 lapisan silikon
Size chart

⚠️ Karena produksi kami dilakukan secara handmade, mungkin ada sedikit variasi dalam ukuran.

MODEL FLACCID (soft packer)

Muda | Bahasa Indonesia: FL01
Panjang   4,9 inci 12,5 cm2
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 3,9 inci 10 cm
Lingkar 5,12 inci 13 cm
Berat 8,11 ons 230 gram


Gerald | FL02
Panjang  4,7 inci 12 cm2
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan dalam 3,7 inci 9,3 cm
Lingkar 4,3 inci 11 cm2
Berat 7,6 ons 215 gram


Pickle | FL04
Panjang  3,7 inci 9,5 cm2
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 2,7 inci 6,9 cm
Lingkar 4,3 inci 11 cm2
Berat 8,8 ons 250 gram


Leroy | FL05
Panjang  3,7 inci 9,5 cm2
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 2,9 inci 7,4 cm2
Lingkar 4,3 inci 11 cm2
Berat 9,5 ons 270 gram


Pcoket Rocket | FL11
Panjang  6,7 inci 17 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 5,7 inci 14,5 cm
Lingkar 5,5 inci 14 cm
Berat 16,22 ons 460 gram



Jhonson | Nomor ER01
Panjang  5,9 inci 15 cm2
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 4,9 inci 12,5 cm
Lingkar 5,12 inci 13 cm
Berat 8,11 ons 230 gram


Kesalahan yg bodoh | Nomor ER02
Panjang  5,9 inci 15 cm2
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 4,9 inci 12,5 cm2
Lingkar 5,12 inci 13 cm
Berat 12 ons 340 gram


Palu | Nomor ER03
Panjang  8,26 inci 21 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 7 di dalam 18 cm
Lingkar 6,69 inci 17 cm
Berat 19 ons 540 gram


Permen lolipop | Nomor ER04
Panjang  5,3 inci 13,5 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 4,3 inci 11 cm2
Lingkar 4,7 inci 12 cm
Berat 10,5 ons 300 gram


Peperoncini | Nomor ER05
Panjang  5,3 inci 13,5 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 4,3 inci 11 cm2
Lingkar 4,7 inci 12 cm
Berat 10,5 ons 300 gram


Piston | Nomor ER06
Panjang  7,5 inci 19 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 6,5 inci 16,5 cm2
Lingkar 5,7 inci 14,5 cm
Berat 17 ons 481 gram


Dewa Zeus | Nomor ER07
Panjang  7,5 inci 19 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 6,5 inci 16,5 cm2
Lingkar 5,3 inci 13,5 cm
Berat 17 ons  481 gram


Selang kebakaran | Nomor ER08
Panjang  6,4 inci 16,5 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 5,9 inci 15 cm
Lingkar 6,2 inci 16 cm
Berat 15,4 ons  438 gram


Jimmy | ER11
Panjang  7,5 inci 19 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 6,5 inci 15,5 cm2
Lingkar 5,7 inci 14,5 cm
Berat 17 ons  530 gram


Keras kepala | ER12
Panjang  6,7 inci 17 cm
Panjang yang dapat dimasukkan 4.9in 6,5 inci 16,5 cm2
Lingkar 6 inci 15 cm2
Berat 17 ons  530 gram



jari emas | Generasi ke-2 | Pengemas 4 dalam 1
Panjang  5,5 inci 14 cm
Lingkar 5 di dalam 13 cm2
Berat 9 ons 250 gram


Wee-wee - generasi ke-3 STP | Tidak disunat
Panjang  4,3 inci 11 cm
Lingkar 4,3 inci 11 cm
Berat 8.11oz 230 gram


Pee-pee - generasi ke-3 STP | Disunat
Panjang  4,3 inci 11 cm
Lingkar 4,3 inci 11 cm2
Berat 8.11oz 230 gram

Emisil prosthetics are handmade, personalized items. We do not offer refunds or exchanges if the product’s appearance differs from your expectations regarding color, size, or shape. Please ensure your choices are final before placing an order.

Our skilled artisan team is ready to start production immediately. The production process typically takes 2-5 business days to complete.

Worldwide shipping 2–5d. Learn more.

Shipping is handled by trusted carriers like UPS, USPS, and DHL, with tracking and signature options. Duties and taxes are included for the U.S., EU, and UK. For other countries (e.g., Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia), import taxes are not covered. Please check with your local customs office for more information on applicable fees.

Kami tidak merekomendasikan penggunaan perekat dengan model Erect karena ukuran dan beratnya, karena perekat dapat menyebabkan prostetik terlepas atau bergeser dari posisinya, terutama selama penggunaan aktif. Meskipun perekatnya kuat, mungkin tidak memberikan stabilitas yang diperlukan untuk model ini. Untuk pemasangan yang aman selama gaya hidup aktif, kami menyarankan menggunakan harness atau pakaian dalam khusus untuk menghindari ketidaknyamanan atau pergeseran. Informasi lebih lanjut tentang Pakaian Dalam. Namun, jika Anda masih memilih untuk menggunakan perekat, berikut adalah semua informasi yang perlu Anda ketahui.

1. Oleskan perekat

Sebelum mengaplikasikan perekat, harap pastikan Anda membersihkan area kulit tempat Anda akan menempelkan packer. Anda perlu menghilangkan rambut dari bagian tubuh ini, dan Menerapkan perekat pada kemasan FTMKulit perlu dibersihkan dengan baik untuk memastikan bahwa penyangga terpasang dengan sempurna. Anda dapat menggunakan jenis sabun mandi atau tisu basah untuk tujuan ini. Setelah Anda membersihkan kulit, biarkan kering selama beberapa detik.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, periksa ini Posting blog.

 2. posisi pengepak

FTM packer yang terpasang pada tubuh

Setelah Anda mengoleskan perekat, pasang packer Anda ke bodi dan posisikan dengan hati-hati. Harap pastikan bahwa Anda memasangnya di posisi yang tepat dan coba untuk tidak menggerakkannya terlalu lama, karena perekat mungkin mulai mengering. Setelah Anda memposisikan packer, biarkan kering selama beberapa menit.

Harnesses & Straps

Emisil prosthetics can be secured with harnesses or straps, ideal for active users. While they provide a snug fit, straps may stretch during the day and require readjustment. Non-standard body types may find harnesses uncomfortable, as they can slide or leave marks. It’s essential to select the right size and invest in high-quality options for comfort and functionality.

Underwear for Packing

For comfort during daily activities, consider specialized packing underwear. Available in various styles, FTM underwear offers a natural feel while allowing freedom of movement. However, some users may prefer not to wear underwear during intimate moments. When using harnesses or underwear, ensure the prosthetic is securely positioned before dressing, and prioritize quality from trusted brands like RodeoH. Learn more.

Preparation: Before using the prosthesis, make sure that your skin is clean and dry. Avoid using lotions or oils as they can interfere with adhesion if you are using glue.

Fixation of the prosthesis:

Belts/Straps: Secure your prosthesis using a compatible belt or harness system. Adjust it for comfort so that it stays in place, especially during active wear.
Glue is not recommended for the Erect model due to its size, as it may separate or shift during use. For best results, rely on a belt or strap to maintain a secure fit.
Comfortable wear: Make sure the prosthesis fits your body naturally. It should feel snug but not too tight. If you use a harness, check it periodically throughout the day to make sure it's secure.

Daily use: The prosthesis is intended for intimate activities. However, it can be worn all day as a packer, please note that since it is made of harder silicone, it may not be as comfortable as a flaccid prosthesis. Remember, this model does not have an STP (standing to pee) function.

After use: Clean the prosthesis with mild soap and warm water, making sure it is completely dry before putting it away. Be gentle and avoid extreme temperatures. Silicone can be damaged by sharp objects such as zippers. Follow care instructions to ensure long-term durability.

Full description

You cannot feel confident without feeling secure, and this packer makes sure you feel both. The soft texture, professionally designed shape and realistic look makes the FL02 flaccid packer seem super lifelike. With 16 skin and hair colors, make this penis a true part of yourself. Its ergonomic design and convenient size allows you to feel comfortable both inside and outside your pants, no matter the activity.

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Hyperrealistic 3 silicone layers technique and the tip filled with special gel, allow you to feel the difference between softness shaft and head.


The packer is made with double density technology to mimic a real flaccid penis. The soft first layer wraps around the inner gel, so the super realistic feeling is guaranteed.

360° Scrotum

Emisil penis prosthetics come with movable testicles filled with a special gel. It allows the two silicone balls to float freely inside the scrotum when squeezed — that combined with the color changes emerging between the silicone skin layers gives the prosthetic an ultra-realistic feel.

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Thin tab

We are far advanced, from the time we started producing penis prosthetics. We did a lot of testing and found new materials, which have an excellent grip with medical adhesive. Now almost all devices can be very well attached to the body using Silicone Medical Grade Adhesive.

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Natural, curly hair

You can choose from 5 different colors of natural, curly and high-quality hair to find the perfect shade. Pubic hair is a great addition to an extra-realistic prosthetic!

Emisil discreet delivery

Discreet delivery

We understand that buying packers and other sexual wellbeing products can be embarrassing for some. All Emisil deliveries show up in discreet boxes with no indication of what's inside. You can be sure that you'll receive your packer with your absolute privacy in mind.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Amos (Lakewood, US)
Gerold FL02

extremely realistic and comfortable to wear. I love it and would recommend this company!

Machère-Renée André Catanier Schimanski (Hamburg, DE)
Bin doch enttäuscht und hoffe auf baldige positive Veränderungen

Wenn es darum geht, zu sagen = „….in Kombination mit den Farbänderungen, die zwischen den Silikonhautschichten entstehen, verleiht dies der Prothese ein ultrarealistisches Gefühl,

( und es handelt sich um ein weichen Packer ).

Dann erwarte ich es auch, des es fühlt sich nicht echt an, nicht mal annähernd.


Auch ich verstehe nicht, warum die Behaarung oberhalb des Penis ist, aber am Sack keine Haare sind ?

Ich wurde als cis Mann geboren, wurde komplett zur Frau operiert, und wollte so nach 20 Jahren mich meines alten ich´s wieder nähern.

Daher verstehe ich weder, warum das Material fester als angegeben ist, ein normaler Handelsüblicher Packer ist wirklich weich und angenehm zu tragen. Doch dieses Teil ist weder weich noch fest. Auch was nützen die Hosenkugeln, wenn man schon fest drauf drücken muss, um diese zu bewegen zu können.

Ich bin schwul und und hatte schon viele Hoden in der Hand, doch keiner meiner Männerhoden, sind der-maß fest gewesen. Hier muss man schon kraft aufwenden, da hätte man auch auf das innen leben verzichten können, dafür aber das Material mehr weicher gestalten können, zu mindestens die Hoden.


Auch bei der Behaarung musste ich meine Augen verdrehen, wer hat den solch eine Affenbehaarung, und das auch noch falsch geknüpft. Ein Haar pro Stelle und nicht mehrere auf einmal wären natürlich gewesen.

Als Friseur Meister und als ehemaliger Krankenpfleger kenne ich mich sehr gut aus, mit Anatomie.

Gut ich kann einiges verändern, kürzen, ausdünnen, Farbveränderung. Tatsache ist aber, wer Behaart ist, der ist es auch am Sack und an den Schamlippen.


Ich empfehle das Kunden ein Bild des von Ihren Genitalien senden, um am Projekt es angleichen zu können. So aber ist oberhalb ein Urwald, und unten ein Kahlschlag.

„Das ist nicht natürlich in der Optik“.

Ich begleite viele Transmänner die meinen Friseursalon kommen und spreche offen über die Möglichkeiten was möglich ist, doch wenn ich Ihnen meinen Packer von Euch zeige, sind sie genauso wie ich, ernüchternd, wenn es um meine erworbenen Produkt es geht.

Da müsst Ihr noch einiges verändern, daher die 3 Sterne, den der Versuch war gut gemeint, aber für mich unbrauchbar. Vielleicht für den Karneval Bereich !

Ich werde gespannt sein, was Ihr noch herstellt, und verbleibe in der Hoffnung.


RobZo (Edmonton, CA)
Dysphoria almost gone

best packer I've ever had. It stays attached using medical grade adhesive for days. I never worry about it not feeling or looking natural. I'd like it to be a bit bigger girth and length wise, so if Emisil was to make a 5 or 5.5 inch I would be over the moon and buy 10. Great job Emisil and all the staff. You make trans guys like myself feel a hell of lot better :)

T A Doiron (Shediac Cape, CA)
Great Product

I initially bought the identical hard version of the Gerald FL02, which was the Erect 04. I loved that one but for packing it was a little showy. I love this one. I looks natural and feels more natural in my pants. It looks great overall and for me, worth the money. My only thing of note for anyone going to buy this. It doesn't include customs. For instance. It may have included customs to get from Overseas to the US. But I still had to pay customs to go from the US to Canada. So just keep that in mind when doing your expenses. Thank you so much Emisil ! You all rock!

Anonymous (Liverpool, GB)
Hidden Duty/Import Tax

My son is happy with the product but the reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is the hidden Duty/Import tax.
The item should have cost £300 and I had to pay £76 on top for the import tax.

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