FTM STP - 3rd gen. uncircumcised - Emisil

Wee-wee - 3a gen. STP | Incirconciso

Prezzo di listino€605,00
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STP di terza generazione Un imballatore STP affidabile per uno stile di vita sicuro. I packer Emisil Stand to Pee sono progettati da un team di professionisti per garantire comfort e funzionalità impeccabile. Questo pene protesico non circonciso resistente alle perdite rende la minzione facile e naturale e lo padroneggerai in pochissimo tempo! La sua sensazione naturale e liscia ti sorprenderà. Stare comodamente nei pantaloni per tutto il giorno.
  • Non circonciso - con prepuzio ultra realistico.
  • La struttura della pelle è visivamente indistinguibile da un vero pene. Con tre strati di silicone di diversa morbidezza. Morbido al tatto, è un piacere da usare.
  • Resistente alle perdite, facile da pulire
  • La linguetta sottile si adatta perfettamente al tuo posto, per creare il massimo comfort e un look molto realistico
  • Scroto ultra realistico con testicoli mobili riempiti con un gel speciale

Misure visive:

Lunghezza: 4,3 pollici (11 cm) | Circonferenza: 4,3 pollici (11 cm) | Peso: 7 once. (200 grammi)

Questo packer non è adatto al rapporto. L'asta di erezione non è inclusa.

Imballatore STP sorprendente e affidabile per uno stile di vita sicuro. Questo pene protesico circonciso resistente alle perdite rende la minzione facile e naturale e padroneggerai la tua tecnica fin dalla prima volta! La sua sensazione naturale e liscia ti sorprenderà. Stare comodamente nei pantaloni per tutto il giorno,
Facile da eliminare, nessuna perdita: progettato da un team di professionisti per comfort e funzionalità impeccabile. Garantisce una buona tenuta, proprio come un vero pene.
Si sconsiglia l'uso di questo dispositivo durante i rapporti. (L'albero pende verso il basso).

Il prepuzio non si muove scivolando su tutta la testa.


- L'imbracatura con O-ring non è consigliata perché la protesi potrebbe danneggiarsi utilizzandola. Di solito questi anelli sono realizzati con materiali molto duri (ad esempio metallo, plastica). Di conseguenza, ciò potrebbe causare la fuoriuscita di lacrime dal prodotto.
Si prega di essere molto delicati con il prodotto, perché non è progettato per un uso intenso e intensivo. Ti consigliamo di prestare attenzione a tutte le istruzioni e i consigli su come utilizzare il tuo dispositivo. Il mancato utilizzo dell'imballatrice come raccomandato farà decadere ogni responsabilità dell'azienda e il cliente si assume ogni responsabilità per eventuali danni o lesioni occorse. Se la protesi viene danneggiata per colpa del cliente, la garanzia verrà annullata e non saranno accettati resi o rimborsi.

- I nostri prodotti sono realizzati in silicone medico e sono assolutamente sicuri, ma non consigliamo di utilizzarli all'interno del tuo corpo o di quello del tuo partner per un lungo periodo di tempo. Per favore, non dimenticare di usare un preservativo a base d'acqua ogni volta che giochi! Sii gentile, non utilizzare oggetti o materiali duri, perché potrebbero danneggiare la tua protesi.

Le immagini dei prodotti sono solo a scopo illustrativo e potrebbero differire dal prodotto reale. Possiamo assicurarti che riceverai la versione protesica più recente e migliorata.

Tabella delle dimensioni

⚠️ Poiché la nostra produzione è artigianale, potrebbero esserci lievi variazioni nelle dimensioni.

MODELLI FLACCIDI (soft packer)

Junior | FL01
Lunghezza   4,9 pollici 12,5 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 3,9 pollici 10 centimetri
Circonferenza 5,12 pollici 13 centimetri
Peso 8,11 once 230 grammi


Gerald | FL02
Lunghezza  4,7 pollici 12 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile in 3,7 pollici 9,3 centimetri
Circonferenza 4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Peso 7,6 once 215 grammi


Pickle | FL04
Lunghezza  3,7 pollici 9,5 cm
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 2,7 pollici 6,9 centimetri
Circonferenza 4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Peso 8,8 once 250 grammi


Leroy | FL05
Lunghezza  3,7 pollici 9,5 cm
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 2,9 pollici 7,4 centimetri
Circonferenza 4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Peso 9,5 once 270 g


Pcoket Rocket | FL11
Lunghezza  6,7 pollici 17 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 5,7 pollici 14,5 centimetri
Circonferenza 5,5 pollici 14 centimetri
Peso 16,22 once 460 grammi



Johnson | ER01
Lunghezza  5,9 pollici 15 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 4,9 pollici 12,5 centimetri
Circonferenza 5,12 pollici 13 centimetri
Peso 8,11 once 230 grammi


Boner | ER02
Lunghezza  5,9 pollici 15 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 4,9 pollici 12,5 centimetri
Circonferenza 5,12 pollici 13 centimetri
Peso 12 once 340 g


Martello | ER03
Lunghezza  8,26 pollici 21 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 7 pollici 18 centimetri
Circonferenza 6,69 pollici 17 centimetri
Peso 19 once 540 g


Lecca-lecca | ER04
Lunghezza  5,3 pollici 13,5 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Circonferenza 4,7 pollici 12 centimetri
Peso 10,5 once 300 grammi


Peperoncini | ER05
Lunghezza  5,3 pollici 13,5 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Circonferenza 4,7 pollici 12 centimetri
Peso 10,5 once 300 grammi


Pistone | ER06
Lunghezza  7,5 pollici 19 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 6,5 pollici 16,5 cm
Circonferenza 5,7 pollici 14,5 centimetri
Peso 17 once 481 grammi


Zeus | ER07
Lunghezza  7,5 pollici 19 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 6,5 pollici 16,5 cm
Circonferenza 5,3 pollici 13,5 centimetri
Peso 17 once  481 grammi


Manichetta antincendio | ER08
Lunghezza  6,4 pollici 16,5 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 5,9 pollici 15 centimetri
Circonferenza 6,2 pollici 16 centimetri
Peso 15,4 once  438 grammi


Jimmy | ER11
Lunghezza  7,5 pollici 19 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 6,5 pollici 15,5 cm
Circonferenza 5,7 pollici 14,5 centimetri
Peso 17 once  530 grammi


Erezione | ER12
Lunghezza  6,7 pollici 17 centimetri
Lunghezza inseribile 4,9 pollici 6,5 pollici 16,5 cm
Circonferenza 6 pollici 15 centimetri
Peso 17 once  530 grammi



Dito d'oro | 2a gen. | Confezione 4 in 1
Lunghezza  5,5 pollici 14 centimetri
Circonferenza 5 pollici 13 centimetri
Peso 9 once 250 grammi


Wee-wee - 3a gen. STP | Incirconciso
Lunghezza  4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Circonferenza 4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Peso 8.11oz 230 grammi


Pee-pee - 3a gen. STP | Circonciso
Lunghezza  4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Circonferenza 4,3 pollici 11 centimetri
Peso 8.11oz 230 grammi

Emisil prosthetics are handmade, personalized items. We do not offer refunds or exchanges if the product’s appearance differs from your expectations regarding color, size, or shape. Please ensure your choices are final before placing an order.

Our skilled artisan team is ready to start production immediately. The production process typically takes 2-5 business days to complete.

Worldwide shipping 2–5d.

Shipping is handled by trusted carriers like UPS, USPS, and DHL, with tracking and signature options. Duties and taxes are included for the U.S., EU, and UK. For other countries (e.g., Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia), import taxes are not covered. Please check with your local customs office for more information on applicable fees.

1. Applicare l'adesivo

Prima di applicare l'adesivo, assicurati di pulire l'area della pelle su cui fisserai il packer. Devi rimuovere i peli da questa parte del corpo e il Applying the adhesive on FTM packerla pelle deve essere pulita adeguatamente per assicurarsi che il packer sia attaccato perfettamente. A questo scopo è possibile utilizzare qualsiasi tipo di bagnoschiuma o salviette umidificate. Una volta pulita la pelle, lasciarla asciugare per qualche secondo.

Per ulteriori informazioni controlla questo Post sul blog.

 2. posizione dell'imballatore

FTM packer attached to the body

Una volta applicato l'adesivo, attacca il tuo packer alla carrozzeria e posizionalo con cura. Assicurati di fissarlo nella posizione corretta e di non spostarlo troppo a lungo, poiché l'adesivo potrebbe iniziare a polimerizzare. Dopo aver posizionato il packer, lasciarlo asciugare per alcuni minuti.

Provalo un paio di volte a casa per padroneggiare la tua tecnica, così saprai cosa aspettarti e ti sentirai più sicuro quando avrai bisogno dello S.T.P in movimento. Non scoraggiarti se dribbli la prima volta o due. Con un po' di pratica, il dispositivo Stand To Pee funzionerà sempre perfettamente.

Harnesses & Straps

Emisil prosthetics can be secured with harnesses or straps, ideal for active users. While they provide a snug fit, straps may stretch during the day and require readjustment. Non-standard body types may find harnesses uncomfortable, as they can slide or leave marks. It’s essential to select the right size and invest in high-quality options for comfort and functionality.

Underwear for Packing

For comfort during daily activities, consider specialized packing underwear. Available in various styles, FTM underwear offers a natural feel while allowing freedom of movement. However, some users may prefer not to wear underwear during intimate moments. When using harnesses or underwear, ensure the prosthetic is securely positioned before dressing, and prioritize quality from trusted brands like RodeoH. Learn more.

Posizione del packer STP

Prima di tutto, devi assicurarti che la tua posizione sia corretta, devi provare a trovare la posizione corretta e ci vuole del tempo.

Non piegare troppo l'albero

Per ogni persona, è un po’ diverso. In secondo luogo, mentre fai la pipì, dovresti assicurarti di inclinare e posizionare correttamente l'asta senza premerla troppo. In alcuni casi, i clienti li spingono troppo forte in questo modo, premendo l'imbuto e bloccando il flusso.

Mantenere l'albero stretto

Tenere stretto l'asta premendo due dita, posizionate nella zona dello scroto, contro il corpo.

Quando fai pipì devi controllare il flusso, il che significa che dovresti interrompere il flusso di tanto in tanto per assicurarti che non ci sia troppo pieno.

3rd gen STP A reliable STP packer for a confident lifestyle. Emisil Stand to Pee packers are designed by a team of professionals for comfort and flawless functionality. This leak-resistant uncircumcised prosthetic penis makes urinating easy and natural and you will master it in no time! It's natural and smooth feel will surprise you. Fitting comfortably in your pants throughout the whole day.

Uncircumcised - with ultra-realistic foreskin.

Skin texture visually indistinguishable from a real penis. With three silicone layers of different softness. Soft to the touch, it's a joy to use.

Leak-resistant, easy to clean

The thin tab fits perfectly into your place, to create maximum comfort and a very realistic look

Ultra-realistic scrotum with movable testicles filled with a special gel

Visual measurements:

Length: 4.3 in (11 cm) | Girth: 4.3 in (11cm) | Weight: 7 oz. (200 g)

This packer is not suitable for intercourse. The erection rod is not included.

Amazing and reliable STP packer for a confident lifestyle. This leak-resistant circumcised prosthetic penis makes urinating easy and natural and you will master your technique the first time! Its natural and smooth feel will surprise you. Fitting comfortably in your pants throughout the day,
Easy to pee out, no leak - designed by a team of professionals for comfort and flawless functionality. Packs good stays in place very like a real penis.
We do not recommend using this device for intercourse. (Shaft hangs downward).

The foreskin is not sliding-moving all over the head.


- O-ring harness is not recommended, because your prosthetic may be damaged by using it. Usually, these rings are made of really hard materials (e.g. metal, plastic). As a result, it could cause the leaking of the tears from your product.
Please be very gentle with your product, because it isn’t designed for hard and rough use. We advise you to pay attention to all the instructions and recommendations on how to use your device. The failure to use the packer as recommended will void any company liability and the client assumes all the responsibility for any damage or injury that occurred. If the prosthetic is damaged because of the client’s fault - the warranty will be voided and returns or refunds will not be accepted.

- Our products are made of medical silicone and are absolutely safe, but we don’t recommend using it inside your or your partner’s body for an extensive period of time. Please do not forget to use a water-based condom every time you play! Be gentle, don’t use any hard things or materials, because it may damage your prosthetic.

Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. We can assure you will receive the latest and most improved prosthetic version.

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🎱🎱 Ballsack

Emisil penis prosthetics feature movable testicles filled with a special gel, allowing the silicone balls to float freely inside the scrotum when squeezed. This design, combined with the color variations between the silicone skin layers, provides an ultra-realistic feel.

🍆 Shaft

Perfect for everyday wear and easy urination, this packer offers comfort and convenience—but it's not designed for intimate play. 😊



Your confidence is our passion.

We understand that looking great helps you feel great. A confident you improve every part of your life. Our expert team will work with you to choose the most suitable packer aimed at elevating bottom dysphoria. We’ve changed the lives of thousands of FTM lives, and we know we can change your life too.


Take pride in your body

Emisil can give you the body you've always dreamed of and the confidence to do what you've always wanted.
Emisil discreet delivery

Discreet delivery

We understand that buying packers and other sexual wellbeing products can be embarrassing for some. All Emisil deliveries show up in discreet boxes with no indication of what's inside. You can be sure that you'll receive your packer with your absolute privacy in mind.

Learn more

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Davis Dunsford (Munroe Falls, US)
Worth the money

(Opening + cup/STP) When I first got this product, I probably would have rated it a 3/5 (now, 4/5). It takes some getting used to, so if you don’t immediately like it, I would wait a bit before giving your final verdict. Initially, I had trouble positioning it comfortably due to the substantial cup. If you are a guy with larger labia, you are going to be extremely aware of the cup at all times, and it feels a bit suffocating. That said, it very much works and you will be grateful for the cup when it comes time to STP. I have not yet used to the STP out in public, so I can’t attest to if it passes well in a men’s bathroom, but it functions well for the purpose of getting pee into a toilet.

(Aesthetics) Overall I was happy with the color I selected, and I think the photo system provides fairly accurate colors. It is slightly darker than my skin, but it looks like reasonable natural variation. The paint job is very realistic, and I have sometimes looked at it and expected it to return sensations when I touch it because its skin-like appearance tricked my brain. The veins aren’t ridiculously bulging like in some packers, they’re just tastefully present. The scrotum texture is very realistic as well. This is also one of the only uncircumcised packers that I enjoy the proportions of, as many will have a head much larger than to my liking.

(Packing + squeeze test) As for the packing experience, the shaft being hollow definitely helps keep the size down. I have had another packer of roughly the same length and girth, but being solid silicone all the way through, it had a very large and awkward bulge. This packer creates a very low key bulge that doesn’t draw the eye, but if you happened to be looking, you would see it. The balls are delightful to play with, but they’re definitely much firmer than the real thing. I don’t think this packer in particular would pass high scrutiny squeezing, but a quick grab wouldn’t raise any red flags. Also, if the balls are cold, they make a very odd… crunchy sound. Luckily they are usually not cold while you are wearing them. The hollow shaft gives a small issue in that, when squeezed, the silicone sticks to itself on the inside and you can feel the very strange sensation it causes. Overall, when grabbed, it feels to be the right size and shape, and the squishiness factor is about right, but some of the textures may feel a bit weird.

(Final thoughts) I tried to make this review as thorough as possible, as this product is very expensive and is therefore an investment to make. For me, the only reasons I don’t rate this 5/5 are due to the squeeze test results (which will be universal and apply to anyone purchasing the packer) and the personal feel of the cup with my body (will depend on your anatomy as to whether or not the cup will crush your organs). Otherwise, I love my emisil and, when the time comes for a pack and play, I will buy from them again.

Harley Bishop (Guernsey, GG)

It’s just what I needed to feel manly, not too big or bulky, seals well when using toilet, very quick and discreet delivery.

Gabriella Simon-Nagy (Budapest, HU)

Extremely lifelike, and comfortable to wear. I'm still working on the perfect peeing alignment but very satisfied so far.

Oliver (Trondheim, NO)
Very realistic (Colour 09)

I have only just received the packer so I am reviewing on first impressions, and I will probably come back and edit the review after a few months of use.

First, incredibly quick shipping!

Second, it is very very realistic, but the shaft and balls are firmer than expected, and the cup itself softer than expected, so I have to get used to the fit. The colour is also greyer than expected. I got the colour 09, which is the darkest “caucasian” shade. I am really pale, but a friend of mine who is even paler got the 08 and it was too pale for him, so I felt I had no choice but to get the 09. The picture of it looks very very red, but irl it is a lot greyer.
That is something I have read in more reviews too, that some of Emisil’s products are greyer than expected.
Luckily it was still a very good match for my skin tone downstairs.

I pack it in Rodeoh’s O-Jock jockstrap and regular boxerbriefs and it fits very well, but the balls have to go lower than I am used to, and it is definitely changing the way I walk with the packer on. Not a bad thing, but just keep that in mind, as the balls are way firmer than they look.

The shaft is also firm, but since it is hollow it squishes and flattens easily so even though this packer looks big, it is not obscenely big or unnatural on my 5’3” frame.

I have yet to successfully STP with it because I can’t relax myself, but I will continue to practice. It does seem though that trimmed and/or shaved bits will help create a better seal and prevent spillage.

I have not tried gluing it to my body yet but will try in the near future.

Hello Oliver,

Thank you for the review!
When designing our products, we always strive for the most natural look. Since intimate parts in the cisgender body are usually darker, we recommend choosing a little darker shade in comparison to the rest of your body.
Regarding the firmness of the scrotum and the shaft - please note that we need to find the perfect balance of rigidness, since if the testicles or the shaft would be softer, the risk to damage the packer would increase. Therefore, some compensations regarding the realistic feel must be made in order to produce a long-lasting, high-quality product.
Hopefully you'll master the STP function as the time passes by :)

Emisil team

Sean Brooks (Houston, US)
It's Decent

I chose this one since I preferred the uncircumcised look and the bigger funnel. To compare this stp is softer than the mini me 2nd gen stp and easier to pack with in a suspensory jock strap. Using the stp has some challenges: the shaft is not flexible enough since it's pointed straight down and the urine flow on a(not full/full bladder) is drizzly. You have to lean forward at the toilet/urinal because of the extra silicone skin placement on the tip of the penis its easy to get piss on yourself. Unless the length gets extended or more flexible I'd pass on getting this one and try the other gen 3.

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