Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer

Guld finger | 2:a gen. | 4 i 1 packare

Vanligt pris€425,00
Skatt ingår.
  • Artistteamet är redo att påbörja produktionsprocessen omedelbart. Produktionsprocesstid - upp till 5 arbetsdagar
  • Inventering på väg
  • Worldwide shipping. Duties and taxes are included in the final price.

📏 Storlek

Längd: Omkrets: Vikt:
5,5 tum (14 cm) 5 tum (13 cm) 9 oz. (250 g)

2:a generationens FTM-packare 4 i 1 med nöjesryggar

STP with pleasure ridgesDet finns inga gränser med Goldfinger. Denna STP säkerställer att du kommer att känna dig säker och bekväm oavsett situation – ute på stranden, offentligt eller i sovrummet.

Genomtänkt design gör att urin kan flöda fritt. Oroa dig inte för läckage - allt du behöver är lite övning och denna 4 i 1 packer kommer att få dig att känna att du är proffs. Var redo på några sekunder!

Vi rekommenderar att bära proteser tillsammans med särskild transpersoner underkläder. Var bekväm och självsäker maximalt! Läs mer om ftm-underkläder här.

När det gäller packning och vardagligt slitage - var säker, din packare kommer att se så naturlig ut som möjligt. Penisprotesen är designad för att sitta nära huden, vilket skapar en realistisk utbuktning. Du behöver inte längre oroa dig för packarens placering.

Packer FTM 4-in-1 har samma naturliga känsla som alla Emisil-packare. Dessutom är det läckagebeständigt, vilket säkerställer en lång produktlivslängd, personlig komfort och en bekymmersfri känsla av säkerhet.

  • För maximalt nöje - erektionsstång . (Ingår i produktpriset)
  • Glädjekanter – nöje för båda
  • 3D pung med rörliga flytande testiklar
  • Visuellt omöjlig att skilja från en riktig penis med detaljerade vener, rynkor och annan hudstruktur.
  • Flik designad speciellt för enklare applicering av medicinskt lim och säkert grepp.

För att sanera din produkt bör du sänka den i kokande vatten från 30 sekunder till en minut. Skölj med tvål och varmt vatten. När du har tagit bort din STP-packer från vattnet bör du låta den torka helt innan du använder den igen eller förvarar den. 


Längd: Omkrets: Vikt:
5,5 tum (14 cm) 5 tum (13 cm) 9 oz. (250 g)



Before applying the adhesive, please ensure you clean the skin area where you will attach the packer. You need to remove hair from this part of the body, and the skin needs to be cleaned properly to make sure the packer is attached perfectly. You can use any type of body wash or wet wipes for this purpose. Once you clean the skin, let it dry for a few seconds.

For more information, check this blog post.


Once you applied the adhesive, attach your packer to the body and position it carefully. Please try to make sure that you attach it in the right position and try not to move it around for too long, as the adhesive may start to cure. After you position the packer, then let it dry for a few minutes.

Try it a few times at home to master your technique, so you’ll know what to expect and feel more confident when you need the S.T.P on the go. If you dribble the first time, don't get discouraged. With a little practice, the Stand To Pee device will function perfectly every time.

Your confidence is our passion

We understand that looking great helps you feel great. A confident you improves every part of your life. Our expert team will work with you to choose the most suitable packer aimed at elavaiting bottom dysphoria. We’ve changed the lives of thousands of FTM lives, and we know we can change your life too.

Underwear for packing

If you want to feel comfortable, while working-out, actively moving or just doing daily things – we would recommend choosing underwear for packing.

Emisil discreet delivery

Discreet delivery

We understand that buying packers and other sexual wellbeing products can be embarrassing for some. All Emisil deliveries show up in discreet boxes with no indication of what's inside. You can be sure that you'll receive your packer with your absolute privacy in mind.

Learn more

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Milo Ladis (Andorf, AT)
Not worth the money but its an all in one

The balls are a little bit big. Not easy to pee but looks real.

Taylor (Heilbronn, DE)
It’s okay

Im happy with it but.. it’s really too expensive. Peeing works but only with adjusting it because of the shape they chose(which i don’t get why they did that). Sex is not really possible for me because it’s to small for my gf and also because of the size I’m not able to move in and out.
The next thing is that I still have absolutely no idea what glue would be best. For that price they could have included the glue. That’s all I can say for now.

Marc Vece (Hamden, US)

I did receive the shipment but I was not satisfied with the size of the attachment skin.

Max L. (Galloway, US)
Decent, not worth the price

I’ll start with the pros. Visually it matches my skin tone perfectly and looks great as long as you ignore the giant peehole. The times I successfully peed with it were great — no backflow and the stream came out smoothly, not to mention it was incredibly euphoric especially at a urinal! I recently got to use it for play on my boyfriend and it worked better than I expected considering we did anal. I dont have a harness so I just kept it in my boxers with the phallus sticking out of the boxer hole and it managed to stay put. Im pre-T and dont have any bottom growth but I still felt the pleasure ribs at certain angles. My boyfriend is cis so I cant say how this packer would work with a front hole but Im sure itd be fine. Before buying I knew that with 3 or 4 in 1 packers youre bound to have at least one function thats subpar to allow “room” for the other functions, and for this one its regular packing. It looks like a huge boner and is uncomfortable to walk with unless I move the balls towards the front, which means awkward adjusting at a toilet/urinal. But if I dont I have to walk like Ive got a stick up my ass because of how it sits between my thighs. It doesnt give a great bulge in pants; it looks blocky and unnatural. Texturally it feels hard and plasticky even after being powdered if not slightly less so, but the balls are very fun to play with. All things considered this packer is okay but not worth the price.

Liam Maass (Bielefeld, DE)
Little disappointed

The appearance is very good and realistic but it feels not good. It’s a little difficult to pack and hasn’t movable skin and is too hard. It’s to much money for this product.

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