
FTM 假肢 - 看起来非常逼真,有 16 种不同肤色可供选择

顾客可以从 16 种不同肤色中选择假肢颜色。重要信息。我们所有的假肢看起来都不同。您购买的两种颜色相同的型号并不重要,它们的色调可能略有不同。直立模型的颜色通常更具表现力,而松弛模型的颜色则较浅。每个细节都是手工制作的,因此每个阴茎假肢都像一件艺术品。生产过程需要知识和人才。最后,艺术家决定皱纹、点、丘疹、静脉选择哪种颜色,然后创建从浅到深的过渡效果、色调等。阴茎假体由 100% 安全的医用硅胶制成。产品非常耐用且坚固,由最优质的材料制成。然而,尽管耐用,但仍需小心使用,以免损坏或撕裂。 Emisil 的 16 种不同肤色套件是通过科学测量全世界所有人类皮肤类型的实际肤色而创建的。我们的颜色套件经过专门配制,最接近肤色的物理表现,是确定人的肤色的综合视觉参考。

Emisil silicone head S01
Emisil silicone head S02
Emisil silicone head S03

When you decide to purchase Emisil penis prosthetic please choose one color which is most resembles your body color. The range of colors has been made according to the body colors of people of various nations, so we are sure that you will definitely find a suitable color for yourself. We do not make penis prostheses which are one color only. Colors shift and can get darker or lighter in different places. There are such details as veins, freckles or other skin texture elements created on the prosthetic, so the final result is a very realistic prosthetic which is hard to distinguish from the real penis. The dye used for coloring the prosthetic is silicone-based, therefore, it cannot be washed or removed in some other way. When you are pressing Emisil penis prosthetic, you can see the changes in color and differences emerging between the layers. That's why Emisil penis is not only a realistic penis prosthetic when you are looking at it, but it is ultra-realistic when you are touching and pressing it. You can see how realistic it looks in the example below:

Emisil 3D scrotum

3 silicone layers

Our penis prostheses have three silicone layers, each of them made in different softness. Like our body, prosthesis consists of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The first layer is very soft. It can be touched with fingers or stretched like the real human skin. The second layer is made of a firmer silicone. The third layer is used to fill in the prosthesis. All these three layers together provide an incredibly realistic feeling. And if the prosthesis is pressed, the color tones also change enhancing the feeling of reality. The epidermis layer is extremely realistic and creates the texture of the skin effect. The finest details, like arteries, veins and wrinkles, are also visible.

Emisil skin model

Medical Grade Silicone

Example of Emisil penis prosthetic skin, prosthetic flesh feels ultra -realistic!