Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer
Goldfinger | 2nd gen. | 4 in 1 packer

金手指 | 第二代 | 四合一包装机

  • 美术团队已准备好立即开始制作过程。生产流程时间 - 最多 5 个工作日
  • 库存在途
  • 全球运输。关税和税费包含在最终价格中。

📏 尺寸

长度: 周长: 重量:
5.5 英寸(14厘米) 5 英寸(13厘米) 9盎司(250克)

第二代 FTM 打包机 4 合 1,带欢乐脊

STP with pleasure ridges金手指没有任何限制。此 STP 可确保您在任何情况下都感到放心和舒适 - 在海滩、公共场所或卧室。

贴心的设计让尿液自由流动。不用担心泄漏 - 您所需要的只是一些练习,这款 4 合 1 封隔器会让您感觉自己是专业人士。几秒钟内准备好!

我们建议佩戴假肢 特别的 变性内衣。最大程度地舒适和自信!在此了解有关 ftm 内衣的更多信息。

关于包装和日常穿着 - 请放心,您的包装会看起来尽可能自然。阴茎假体的设计紧贴皮肤,形成逼真的凸起。不再担心封隔器的定位。

Packer FTM 4 合 1 拥有与每个 Emisil 打包机相同的自然感觉。此外,它还具有防漏功能,可确保较长的产品使用寿命、个人舒适度和无忧的安全感。

  • 为了获得最大的快感 - 勃起杆 (包含在产品价格中)
  • 快乐山脊 - 双方都感到快乐
  • 带有可移动浮动睾丸的 3D 阴囊
  • 视觉上与真实的阴茎没有什么区别,有详细的静脉、皱纹和其他皮肤纹理。
  • 标签专为更轻松地涂抹医用粘合剂和牢固抓握而设计。

要对产品进行消毒,应将其浸入沸水中 30 秒到一分钟。用肥皂和温水冲洗。将 STP 打包机从水中取出后,应使其完全干燥,然后才能再次使用或存放。 


长度: 周长: 重量:
5.5 英寸(14厘米) 5 英寸(13厘米) 9盎司(250克)


1. 涂抹粘合剂


有关更多信息,请检查此 博客文章。

2. 打包位置


在家尝试几次以掌握您的技术,这样当您在旅途中需要 S.T.P 时,您就会知道会发生什么并感到更加自信。如果您是第一次运球,请不要气馁。稍加练习,Stand To Pee 装置每次都能完美运行。


我们明白,漂亮的外表会让您感觉良好。自信的你会改善生活的每一部分。我们的专家团队将与您一起选择最合适的包装机,旨在缓解底部不适。我们已经改变了成千上万 FTM 的生活,我们知道我们也可以改变您的生活。



Emisil discreet delivery


我们知道购买包装器和其他性健康产品可能会让一些人感到尴尬。所有 Emisil 送货都出现在不显眼的盒子里,没有任何迹象表明里面有什么。您可以放心,您收到的包装机会考虑到您的绝对隐私。


Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Milo Ladis (Andorf, AT)
Not worth the money but its an all in one

The balls are a little bit big. Not easy to pee but looks real.

Taylor (Heilbronn, DE)
It’s okay

Im happy with it but.. it’s really too expensive. Peeing works but only with adjusting it because of the shape they chose(which i don’t get why they did that). Sex is not really possible for me because it’s to small for my gf and also because of the size I’m not able to move in and out.
The next thing is that I still have absolutely no idea what glue would be best. For that price they could have included the glue. That’s all I can say for now.

Marc Vece (Hamden, US)

I did receive the shipment but I was not satisfied with the size of the attachment skin.

Max L. (Galloway, US)
Decent, not worth the price

I’ll start with the pros. Visually it matches my skin tone perfectly and looks great as long as you ignore the giant peehole. The times I successfully peed with it were great — no backflow and the stream came out smoothly, not to mention it was incredibly euphoric especially at a urinal! I recently got to use it for play on my boyfriend and it worked better than I expected considering we did anal. I dont have a harness so I just kept it in my boxers with the phallus sticking out of the boxer hole and it managed to stay put. Im pre-T and dont have any bottom growth but I still felt the pleasure ribs at certain angles. My boyfriend is cis so I cant say how this packer would work with a front hole but Im sure itd be fine. Before buying I knew that with 3 or 4 in 1 packers youre bound to have at least one function thats subpar to allow “room” for the other functions, and for this one its regular packing. It looks like a huge boner and is uncomfortable to walk with unless I move the balls towards the front, which means awkward adjusting at a toilet/urinal. But if I dont I have to walk like Ive got a stick up my ass because of how it sits between my thighs. It doesnt give a great bulge in pants; it looks blocky and unnatural. Texturally it feels hard and plasticky even after being powdered if not slightly less so, but the balls are very fun to play with. All things considered this packer is okay but not worth the price.

Liam Maass (Bielefeld, DE)
Little disappointed

The appearance is very good and realistic but it feels not good. It’s a little difficult to pack and hasn’t movable skin and is too hard. It’s to much money for this product.
