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  • アーティストチームはすぐに制作プロセスを開始する準備ができています。生産プロセス時間 - 最大 5 営業日
  • 途中の在庫
  • 世界網の積荷。関税と税金は最終価格に含まれています。

  • これまでにないプレイを体験しましょう!

    • ユニバーサル (梱包と遊び用)。
    • 皮膚の質感、 本物のペニスと見た目では区別がつきません。
    • 驚くべきオーガズムをもたらす強力で硬い勃起。
    • 薄いタブがその場所にぴったりとフィットし、最大限の快適さを生み出します。
    • 特殊なジェルで満たされた可動睾丸を備えた超リアルな陰嚢。
    • 可動スキン(独自の製造技術により、異なるシリコンを重ねて超リアルなスキン効果を作成できます)。
    • 2本のロッドからお選びいただけます(シリコンまたはプラスチックロッド)。
    • ナチュラルでくせのある上質な髪を5色展開。

    📖 Full description

    It feels great to wear, great to grab, and great overall. It will make for an unforgettable sexual experience with its high- performance design and realistic attributes. Wear it for extended periods of time, clean it with water and soap, and enjoy life free of bottom dysphoria. This FTM erect packer is unobtrusive yet powerful when it comes to self-confidence. The triple-layered silicone shaft and flexible silicone rod of this packer will add comfort to your masculine look. It is important to note that this model was designed for play. Therefore, the shape is not comfortable to pack with. It is possible to bend the shaft further down over the three o'clock position, but further bending may damage the product. Flaccid models are recommended for daily life and erect models for play.

    • 挿入可能な長さ 4.9 インチ (12.5 cm)
    • 重量 12 オンス (340 g)



    シリコンロッドが入ったシャフト - この場合、シャフトを固定することはできません。シャフトを上下に曲げて急に手を放すと、シャフトは最初の位置に戻ります。それはシャフトがすべてシリコン製だからです。プラスチックのロッドが付いたデバイスは固定でき、シャフトを下に曲げて放すと、その位置に留まります。


    ロッドはプラスチック製でとても軽いです。したがって、空港で金属探知機を通過する際に問題が発生することはありません。ロッドが曲がる際に多少のノイズが発生する場合があります。これはプラスチック製のボールジョイントの摩擦によるものです。 (フレックスロッドは多数の小さなボール&ソケットジョイントで構成されたプラスチックロッドです。)



    当社の小包は、最も専門的な国際配送サービスによって配送されます。 フェデックス、DHL、UPS 追跡オプションなど、利便性を高める幅広い追加オプションを提供します。

    米国への配送、1〜2営業日。生産プロセス時間 – 最大 5 営業日。

    海外拠点 2 ~ 4 営業日 (場所によって異なります)、製造プロセス時間 – 最大 5 営業日。


    O リング ハーネスは、使用すると義足が損傷する可能性があるため、お勧めしません。通常、これらのリングは非常に硬い素材 (金属、プラスチックなど) でできています。その結果、製品から涙が漏れる可能性があります。



    超現実的 シリコン3層技術と特殊ジェルを充填した先端により、シャフトとヘッドの柔らかさの違いを実感できます。

    遊べるように設計されているため、パッキングしにくい形状です。シャフトを3時位置よりさらに下に曲げることは可能ですが、それ以上曲げると製品が破損する可能性があります。日常生活には弛緩モデル、遊びには勃起モデルをお勧めします。普段使いにぴったりなモデルが欲しい方におすすめ ER01, ER05、 と ER04.曲げ可能なシャフトがこれらのモデルを際立たせます。


    Emisil 陰茎プロテーゼには、特殊なゲルで満たされた可動睾丸が付属しています。 2 つのシリコン ボールを絞ると、陰嚢内で自由に浮くことができます。 — シリコン スキン層の間で現れる色の変化と相まって、人工装具に超リアルな感触を与えます。




    ⚠️ プラスチックロッド:




    Emisil discreet delivery




    Customer Reviews

    Based on 10 reviews
    Alex A. (Seattle, US)
    Beats ReelMagik

    I bought one of each of the two brands (emisil and reelmagik), very similarly matched in style and size, and at the same time, with the intent to compare the two. Doing so allowed me to really know what the strengths and weaknesses of the two were as compared to each other. The Emisil model performs better in all the important areas and has a realistic look and feel, better control in RodeoH harness, better durability and ease of use. The RM is certainly a more realistic looking and feeling prosthetic, but it has a strange angle, the flex rod bends in weird unnatural ways at unfortunate times, and it simply isn’t as reliable harnessed. So what it makes up for in beauty, it lacks in performance which is more important imo. My only negative point with the Emisil prosthetic is that the flex rod of at least the one I bought does not stay in place (it did at first but after about 4-5 uses, it stopped holding severe angles up or down) but frankly, it doesn’t matter and doesn't change performance, and I’ll take that over the weird RM rigidity in their supposed flex rod and the click clack snap that is super funny but annoying that theirs has. Be clear this is worth the money. Not really going to pack with this one though, boys, unless you’re trying to portray immense confidence. Thanks, Emisil. Fix that flex rod prob though.

    Shay (Ferndale, US)
    Nearly Perfect!

    I love this packer a lot, and from all the ones I've seen, it looks the most detailed and accurate to a realistic looking penis. However, the material breaks me out of the immersion a bit (not too much tho), not feeling as soft as I'd prefer. Also the smallest erection size is still a bit too big for my preferences too. I'd love to see smaller arousal packers in the future!

    Elijah (Halifax, CA)
    Take your time, trust yourself

    This is my second Emisil product, and they continue to live up to my high expectations. I have in the past ordered from several different prosthetic companies, and by far Emisil has been the most reliable in quality, realism, and especially in production/shipping time.
    I purchased this model instead of the ER07 with the hope I could get away with using it as a daily packer in addition to using it for play, but as I’m sure has been previously mentioned the angle of the shaft makes that difficult, despite the smaller size. However, the angle was what originally drew me to this product; and for play, it’s impeccable.
    I’m not a big guy (5’7” ~130lbs), so if you’re within my size range I would highly recommend you separately purchase a packer from them, consider whether packing or play is more important to you, or make peace with the fact that you will likely be going far beyond “big D energy”.
    Overall, I am beyond satisfied with my purchase. The last product I purchased from Emisil was one of their packers, which lasted 2+ years despite wearing it day and night nearly the entire time. None of my other prosthetics have lasted that long, for reference; and if this new one lasts nearly as long I will be more than happy. For me, finding and purchasing the right prosthetic has been a lengthy and expensive process. These prosthetics are not cheap, but I cannot stress how worth it they have been for me.
    Good luck on your journey,

    Anonymous (Kastrup, DK)
    Above my expectations

    I received it very fast as they sent it from Lithuania which is in Europe so there was no customs, so it was like 2-3 days production and then 1 day shipping. I was a little skeptical about the quality after the reviews of it on the internet but the reviews were years old so i wanted so see if there was any improvements and there really was! I’m very satisfied with everything, the quality and touch is much better than whats told and it also feels good in every way. The skin is quite loose on mine and are not too tight nor hard, its very flexible. The head is well done and is quite soft, there is a good transition from head to shaft. If you are in any doubt of purchasing the best way is to see for yourself.

    Anonymous (Bellmore, US)
    Very good but a few issues

    It looks and feels good besides the silicone skin on the shaft being a little gritty and looking like it might tear with enough use. The silicone on the head is smooth and would be nice to see a similar consistency throughout. The silicone rod inside is a little prominent and sharp when squeezed hard enough it would be better to have that more smooth and natural inside. Overall I’m very happy with it just concerned it will have to be replaced sooner rather than later
